Official Maker and Dai logos, badges, product screenshots, and leadership team photos.
Maker is a decentralized organization dedicated to bringing financial stability and transparency to the world economy. Maker enables the generation of Dai, the world’s first unbiased currency and leading decentralized stablecoin.
Download Maker, MKR and DAI logo
Maker logo: to be used when referencing Maker the decentralized organization
MKR logo: to be used when referencing the MKR token on websites and UIs
DAI logo: to be used when referencing DAI in larger formats or when a text prompt is required
MKR badge: to be used for marketing and presentations when referencing Maker or MKR
DAI logo: to be used when referencing the DAI token on websites and UIs
DAI badge: to be used for marketing and presentations when referencing DAI
Maker teal (#1AAB9B) and Dai yellow (#F4B731) are our primary brand colors.